Lea Mara Postnatal Doula Service In Sussex.

Helping families enjoy the 4th trimester with postnatal support, help around the house & advice to help nurture new and growing families.

Postnatal Doula Services

Postnatal Planning

Planning for your postnatal time, examining any worries or queries you have. Coming up with plans and ideas of how you would like to be supported by, either paid support, friends and family or your wider community.

Infant Feeding Coaching

As an Infant Feeding Coach I can help you prepare for your preferred choice of infant feeding, I can help you navigate the early weeks and we can work together to overcome any changes or difficulties.

Infant sleep support

I can offer you Holistic Infant Sleep support, sleep is a much worried about subject and can be complicated to navigate. I am here to guide you through this.

Postnatal Support

I provide you with emotional and practical postnatal support in your home or out and about. Every family is different and every day is different so support is fluid and will change according to your need.

Virtual support

I can support you emotionally and in some ways practically via phone or computer. Virtual support can be extremely useful if there are barriers such as time, distance or health.

Why choose me as your postnatal doula?

The first 3 – 4 months after birth is a time of transition for your new born baby, as they get used to life outside the womb.  This period is also referred to as the ‘fourth trimester’.  I can offer you practical support and help to promote calm for you and your baby, pre-empting and reducing crying, and helping the whole family to feel a little more rested and able to enjoy this precious time.

How Can A Postnatal Doula Help?

Emotional Support

You may just need a non judgmental ear, someone who will just listen to you. If you are experiencing unwanted feelings working on these with options such as the 3 Step Rewind Technique. 

Practical Support

help tidying or cleaning the house or doing some cooking. involve or distract older siblings. Walk well behaved dogs and feed pets. Anything within reason that then helps the family bond and get to know one another. 

Informational Support

When you have a new born baby it can be quite exhausting and confusing finding helpful information. I can do the research for you, find information, contacts and services that you may be looking for. 

Getting Out & About

Some people like to have support getting out and about the house, going for walks or just simply finding a bench to sit on. You may need help getting food shopping, I can do this for you or if you prefer I can accompany you and help you out in the shops

Getting Some Rest

I can take care of your baby whilst you have a much needed rest or a meal or just a minute to yourself. I can be with you whilst you rest with your baby if you are feeling nervous. Not everyone wants their babies to be held by others.

Advocating and Holistic support

Working holistically is very important to me, this means looking at the whole picture and working together with other professionals to be able to give the best support and care possible to get the best outcomes. 

What Are The Benefits Of Using A Doula Service?

Mothers who have postnatal doulas gain confidence faster than when they are doing it alone.  A postnatal doula can offer their wisdom and gentleness to guide you to a more peaceful recovery and adjustment phase as you become parents or add another child to the family.

A postnatal doula will help new parents to discover the way that they want to do things by offering different approaches and ideas they can also help establish infant feeding, educate parents on caring for their newborn, give parents a break so that they can go to sleep, have a soak in the bath or just have some ‘me’ time.

Lea is the loveliest person, she is kind and will help and support postnatal ladies with empathy and always going above and beyond. Lea has lots of experience and anyone who has Lea as their postnatal Doula will have made a fantastic decision

Claire Worthylake

Lea is a wonderful person and a fantastic doula – she helped my family out so much during the first few weeks of my sons birth. She was knowledgeable about breastfeeding and bonding and her help was instrumental in providing a calm environment to me and my baby. I would recommend her to anyone

Leyla Shirley

Lea is the perfect mix of emotional and practical support for all situations. She calmly, warmly and kindly gets on with whatever needs doing. Sometimes that was making time to just listen to me with so much empathy, helping me with feeding, tidying, making food and of course cuddling babies! I felt immediately at ease with Lea and I really missed her when it was time for her to go! Couldn’t recommend Lea highly enough. X x x

Rose Hawkins

Still Have Questions About A Postnatal Doula Service?

I would be happy to answer any questions you have about how I can help you or if a doula service is right for you. If you want to know more about how my postnatal doula services can help you. please feel free to call me, send me a message or an email.

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